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Custom LLM Pricing

Use this to register custom pricing for models.

There's 2 ways to track cost:

  • cost per token
  • cost per second

By default, the response cost is accessible in the logging object via kwargs["response_cost"] on success (sync + async). Learn More


LiteLLM already has pricing for any model in our model cost map.

Cost Per Second (e.g. Sagemaker)

Usage with LiteLLM Proxy Server

Step 1: Add pricing to config.yaml

- model_name: sagemaker-completion-model
model: sagemaker/berri-benchmarking-Llama-2-70b-chat-hf-4
input_cost_per_second: 0.000420
- model_name: sagemaker-embedding-model
model: sagemaker/berri-benchmarking-gpt-j-6b-fp16
input_cost_per_second: 0.000420

Step 2: Start proxy

litellm /path/to/config.yaml

Step 3: View Spend Logs

Cost Per Token (e.g. Azure)

Usage with LiteLLM Proxy Server

- model_name: azure-model
model: azure/<your_deployment_name>
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
api_version: os.envrion/AZURE_API_VERSION
input_cost_per_token: 0.000421 # 👈 ONLY to track cost per token
output_cost_per_token: 0.000520 # 👈 ONLY to track cost per token